

Sunday, January 6, 2008,9:16 PM
For 2008

I know I've not been very good in updating the announcements but hopefully that'll change! Hee.

Anyway, coming into the new year, I want to encourage everyone to take a stand this year, to really show others, Christians or non-Christians, that you have Jesus in you. It's meaningless to be a Christian without a relationship with God, likewise it's meaningless if no one knows you're a Christian because you act just as worldly as the rest. I'm not saying that I've reached that, to have people say I have Jesus in me, or even that I'm always courageous in standing up for what I believe in even though it goes against the norm, I've done that more than once, sometimes with success and sometimes not, but I truly believe that people are smart enough to know who are the hypocrites and who really makes them ask if Jesus is the saviour of the world.

Let's really make that commitment (among others you may have) to be that salt and light for the world. =)


>>and i live just for you my lord.

-behind the veil-
POP Cell 2
[Cell with all the most HANDSOME GUYS and PRETTY LADIES...heh]
Learning and Growing in the Lord

-Cell as usual @ 5pm unless told otherwise!
-Register for FACT Camp'08
-FACT CAMP'08 (11-14 Dec 08)
Venue: St Francis Methodist School
Click here(FACT CAMP'08)

-Bible Verse-


-beyond just me-

-the past-
April 2007
June 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
January 2008
February 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
June 2009
October 2009

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